Organization Challenges to Diversity & Inclusion

The social ills that plague our country and world are alive and well within our organizations. Contrary to what some would like to believe, people’s preconceptions come with them to work.  In fact, almost 30 years after the Department of Labor published The Glass Ceiling Initiative, organizations are grappling with hiring, promoting and retaining minorities & women at management, senior and executive levels. Ironically, during that same 30 years we experienced immense advances in technology.  Socially, we continue to struggle with issues related to sexism, racism, just about everything that makes us different.  The organization impact is so profound that women and minorities are virtually invisible beyond management levels. Making the glass ceiling more like cement.

Conscious and unconscious bias affects quality decision-making. A leader making people decisions related to: hiring, developing, retaining, promoting, compensating, engaging… talent are influenced by their preconceptions whether they are aware of them or not. Can this be overcome? Absolutely, with self-awareness and self-imposed accountability practices. As well, we must emulate the same determination used to tackle other critical initiatives. Unfortunately, what currently exists is a diversity and inclusion narrative that reads like the definition of insanity: repeatedly doing the same things and expecting a different result.

There are a myriad of reasons for the lack of sustainable progress related to diversity and inclusion. Noted below are “13”. I believe that at the core of this failure are two human conditions: scarcity mentality and ego. But that’s not the point of this discussion. This discussion is to call attention to the opportunities that continue to exist because of leadership and talent management deficiencies.  My hope is that a little self-reflection will inspire the kind of action that creates meaningful results.

  1. Diversity & Inclusion is viewed as a compliance initiative versus a critical aspect of business strategy.
  2. Board & C-Suite Members with limited exposure and relationships beyond people who look, think, and live like themselves. These constituents are unable to appropriately challenge & guide due to their own biases and inexperience.
  3. Executive sponsors and leaders lack the skill and emotional fortitude required to coach and confront counter-culture behaviors like exclusion, bias & discrimination.
  4. Leaders are consistently rewarded for valuing group think versus radical candor where diversity in thinking & innovation thrive.
  5. Organization systems are stuck on win/loose versus win/win employee practices.
  6. Talent management & development systems lack the discipline & rigor required to be effective.
  7. Talent assessment tools & processes quietly enable bias in the name of “fit”.
  8. Ill-conceived talent acquisition efforts that consistently target the same segments of a talent population under the misguided notion that they’ve tapped into the best talent in the market.
  9. Unrelatable and poorly skilled managers who miss opportunities to connect and influence engagement, appreciation & trust.
  10. Technical experts elevated to leader roles with underdeveloped emotional intelligence.
  11. Job assignments requiring relocations to communities that are not welcoming to minorities (and others) or have underdeveloped networks and support systems.
  12. Organization cultures with value systems deeply rooted in exclusivity.
  13. Diversity & Inclusion initiatives aren’t a component of compensation and incentive targets.

McKinsey & Company’s 2020 Diversity Wins: How inclusion matters shows  that the business case continues to be robust and the relationship between diversity on executive teams and the likelihood of financial outperformance has strengthened over time. Diversity winners are adopting systematic, business-led approaches to inclusion and diversity.  Being able to leverage diverse perspectives are the only means of solving complex and challenging organizational issues. It is incomprehensible that during a time when the world is so technically connected that homogenous Boards, Executive and Management Teams is the norm. It’s an affront to every employee, investor and stakeholder that any organization could boast to be forward thinking, industry leaders, or even poised for growth. Yet there are no formal plans for developing successors; leaders aren’t held accountable for developing, leveraging & retaining talent; and there are huge gender, ethnic and other representation gaps in the talent pipeline.

We are responsible for positioning our organizations to perpetually thrive. When we get it right, a strategic focus on diversity and inclusion enables successful outcomes related to organization capability as well as, talent development and retention. Let’s get off of this roller coaster and get bold about creating long-lasting inclusive cultures. We must establish talent rich inclusive organizations with sustainable business models that win.


Process is essential to keeping diversity and inclusion strategies on purpose:  PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT.

Check out our Success Partner-Coach Program©. It’s a proven process that operationalizes your  talent development & retention goals.


Before a dream is realized, everything that was learned along the way is tested. This happens so that, in addition to realizing our dreams, we master the lessons we’ve learned as we moved toward the dream. This is where many people give up. Stay the course.  Every search begins with the beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.  The test should give you hope that you are exactly where you need to be. Walk it out…RISE UP!


The Alchemist

Be discerning about who’s allowed a seat in your inner court — that place closest to your heart. These are the people you allow to influence your decisions and actions. These are the folks from whom you seek guidance and sometimes validation. These are the voices of wisdom, judgment and input you consider as viable as your own.
Many will attempt to gain access to one of those coveted seats, even if only for an hour or a few days. Be mindful the inner court of your heart is a sacred place. And whom you let in, will have real-life consequences – positive and or negative. Guard your heart it determines the course of your life. Wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure.



Reference: Proverbs 4:23 & “The Alchemist”


Free yourself to experience rejection

as life’s way of helping us sort out

where, what and with whom

we no longer need to waste our time.


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Don’t Waste Your Employees’ Time

There’s nothing more personally maddening than inefficiency. Why? It interferes with people delivering the best products, solutions, services. Fundamental to demonstrating respect for team members is valuing their time. Smartphones and technology that offer 24-7 access to employees isn’t the source of their stress. The source continues to be the processes, work styles & skills of the people using these tools. Managers still have to: establish & reestablish priorities, communicate clearly, make decisions decisively, drive accountability and run effective meetings. This read is a gift to managers.


“The race isn’t given to the swift nor to the strong, but to the one that endures to the END.” Lace ’em up…if you can’t run,  walk it out to victory! #leadyourselftowin

Go for the WIN!

Sometimes navigating careers in the context of an organization landscape and WINNING is challenging. The complexity in pulling it all together and executing against one’s personal vision and plan is thrilling and frustrating. IN THIS SESSION, we shared insights that helped participants clarify their professional focus and better understand the conditions in which they can maximize what they have to offer for purposes of creating greater value. The goal is to experience career win/wins.

10 Steps In Navigating Career WINS:

  1. Your vision & mission statement are the “true north” that enable you to live with integrity. If you haven’t yet put pen to paper, put in the work. It will save you time and frustration on your journey.
  2. Stay in tune with your organization’s talent needs and business goals. Make sure the work you are doing consistently contributes to the organization’s success.
  3. Develop a portfolio of transferrable skills.
  4. Go for experiences that allow you to fully develop and flex those skills, while creating depth in a particular profession.
  5. Develop meaningful relationships.
  6. Establish a reputation as a significant contributor that knows the business and gets stuff done.
  7. Never be blinded or bound by industry or loyalty to a Company or person — at the expense of yourself. Go for the win/win.
  8. Build your emotional intelligence.
  9. Consistently work at knowing your areas for development that merge as a result of: the way you see yourself + the way others see you + who you want to be.
  10. You are your best advocate: (a) Initiate your own development; (b) Give voice to the good work you are doing.

Don’t settle for good. With just a little more work you could be great — go for the WIN!



Join the #eattothrive movement. Share your secrets on maintaining healthy eating habits.

A few of mine:

  1. H2O and lots of it!
  2. Green tea + honey + lemon (in the morning and mid-afternoon)
  3. Lots of fruits & veggies
  4. Freshly cooked beans on the dinner plate (favs: lentils, black beans, pinto beans)
  5. Chewing sugarless gum when I’m craving and it’s close to meal time

“Great” Leaders Surround Themselves With Adversaries

Leadership Must Read:  Why Smart Leaders Surround Themselves With Adversaries

Leaders have to embrace and value radical candor. Too many times, teams are distracted with performing the ceremonial dance because the leader hasn’t developed the emotional fortitude to regularly seek, hear, and manage contrary points of view. However, GREAT leaders push their teams to avoid groupthink and to exchange in the healthy discourse that comes with radical candor.

In addition to producing great products, services and financial results, you get the appreciation of your team. Employees appreciate when diverse thinking and thinking styles is valued by their leadership. Talking about a win/win!????  #leadersleading


Improving Your ROI (Return On Investment)

Sometimes we get distracted with going thru the motions of living life and become disconnected with how we are living. If we aren’t careful, we end up in places that we never intended. It’s something that I’ve experienced and had to address in my own life. As an Executive Coach, this is something I’m challenged to help people change with very specific outcomes in mind. Fundamental to our success, is being cognizant of what we are nurturing in our lives. Why? Because what we feed is what grows. It’s the Spiritual Law of Sowing and Reaping. It’s also the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. There’s simply no escaping it. If you want to be treated kindly,  you have to treat people well. If you offer negativity and criticism, you will receive the same. If you are loving, you will receive love. It certainly sounds simple. Yet for many, it is a constant struggle. We tend to “want” what we don’t “give”. Subsequently, we make decisions and develop beliefs and attitudes, based on a set of experiences without understanding how we contributed to the outcome. Here’s what I know for sure: When we are clear about the outcomes we want for our lives and are unwavering, persistent, and fearless in how we nurture those outcomes, we truly get to live our hearts desires.

This is the work of champions. It takes extreme courage to confront oneself and be disciplined about changing your thoughts, beliefs and actions. There will be times when you’ll want to give up. It will seem as if the outcome(s) you seek  isn’t possible. But don’t stop and don’t dare turn back. A complete change in you is required. You must make the investment in order to get the return. Do the work. Release expectations of when you will begin to see the fruits of your labor without letting go of the expectation that you will see the fruits of your labor. The outcome you envision is assured. Remember, there’s no escaping it! Greatness and living well is the result of nurturing the right outcomes in your life.

Here are a few thought starters on what to feed for outcomes related to love, commitment, patience, financial success and peace. If you really want to improve your return on investment, change your investment strategy.

Patience Active Listening, Empathy, Compassion, Kindness, Self-Awareness, Maturity, Acceptance, Understanding, Selflessness, Humility, Service, Respect for Otherness, Mercy, Forgiveness, Discernment, Patience, Thoughtfulness, Relationship
Peace Honest Self-Confrontation, Organization, Cleanliness, Laughter, Quiet, Connections with Nature, Meaning, Balance, Rest, Prayer, Meditation Lovingness, Guarded Tongue, Forgiveness, Kindness, Integrity, Spirituality, Compassion, Grace, Mercy, Accountability, Wisdom


Commitment Integrity, Love, Self-Awareness, Kindness, Honest Self-Confrontation, Transparency, Affection, Ethical Conduct, Supportive Action, Fidelity, Faithfulness, Sacrifice, Service, Relationship


Financial Success Discipline, Giving (time, talent, treasure), Wisdom, Financial Acumen, Integrity, Abundance Mentality, Practitioner of Excellence, Continuous Learner, Service, Respect for Money


Love Service, Integrity, Compassion, Kindness, Self-Love, Self-Respect, Trust, Courage, Honesty, Sensitivity, Respect, Dignity, Self-Awareness, Trust, Joy, Peace, Self-Fulfillment, Humility, Courageousness, Choices to honor others needs & wants, Virtue, Self-Control, Affirming Energy, Self-Confrontation, Spirituality, Relationships



Want to know more about the principles of Sowing & Reaping or Cause & Effect? Check it out:

  1. Sowing & Reaping
    1. Holy Bible Galatians 6:6-8
    2. TD Jakes “Feed What Feeds You”
  2. Cause & Effect
    1. Yoga Philosophy
    2. Universal Laws
    3. Deepak Chopra

Having Great Conversations

Having meaningful conversations and relationships requires great listening. Listening for understanding is one of the most important life skills one can have. I’ve personally been fascinated at how much more I learn and understand as I listen deeply to others.  Check out this TED Talks where Celeste Headle shares some useful tips for having great conversations. She reminds us in under 12 minutes how challenging AND fascinating listening can be.  Enjoy!



The Leader Within

The Leader Within Self Assessment_Page_1
Click “The Leader Within Self-Assessment” for Questionnaire

“Sharpen The Saw” — Habit 7 from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People focuses on self-improvement and the ongoing process of personal transformation. Continually examining self and how I show up in the world is exhausting. But it is necessary to effectively lead: families, organizations, and ourselves. In fact, the starting point for learning how to lead effectively is self-leadership. Ken Blanchard shares that “you can’t lead others if you can’t lead yourself, and you can’t lead yourself without the right tools.”

The Leader Within Self-Assessment  is a very practical tool that helps to identify the thoughts, behaviors and habits that require pruning, eliminating and those to learn.  It’s simple, complete the sentence: As a leader I . . . The descriptions accurately or not describe how you think and behave. Celebrate your YES responses and keep up the great work. For the NO response(s), consider what you need to change in your heart and head that will affect the change in your words and actions. Resist the urge to edit with responses like “maybe/sometimes/most of the time”. Challenge yourself to respond with the kind of integrity that is compelling i.e., yes or no.  NOTE: For a real challenge, self-assess twice: once for yourself as family leader and once for yourself as an organization leader.

The daily grind provides no shortage of opportunities for honest self-evaluation. The world is our classroom and our relationships and interactions create the impetus for us to learn. Our goal as leaders is to keep ourselves operating at higher levels where we are most effective and most powerful. The struggle is real, but the results are profoundly meaningful.


The Leader Within Self-Assessment